Run Up the Score With Homes for Sale
Some tests, such as university exams, rate you on a sliding scale, while others, like meeting the future in-laws, are strictly pass/fail. Yet only one evaluation really matters when browsing homes for sale. Buyers quickly discover that credit score, which is based on the last six years of credit history, is critical to success in the real estate market.Sure, monthly payments, terms, and amortization periods all need to be considered in regard to homes for sale. Shoppers can attest, though, that credit score is even more important as it impacts you in a variety of ways, from your ability to get a mortgage to the interest rate you’ll pay to the prospects of re-financing down the road.The great news is that by taking a few basic steps, you can make a bad credit score good or a good one better. Sure, it will take a bit of time and effort, but so did studying for that advanced statistics exam, and which one gives you the greater return?Know it, then Grow itTrying to improve your credit score without first knowing where it currently stands is like skipping the whole term and just writing the final (insert flashback here).It may be a cliché, but knowledge really is power in dealing with homes for sale. Realtors will strongly advise you, if you haven’t done so already, to obtain a free credit report from Equifax or TransUnion, or both. While your score can fall anywhere between 300 and 900, a number below 760 has definite room for improvement.On Time Keeps you On TargetWhen you’re the type who treats bills like a hot stove, your new home plans can wind up on the backburner. That’s because late payments, especially on credit cards, are one of the most damaging practices for your credit score and thus your ability to purchase homes for sale. Take heart though, because they’re also one of the easiest to correct.Quite simply, you need to pay your bills on time, every time to protect your score and your access to homes for sale. Agents will tell you that one day overdue can hurt your score, so plan ahead. Online payments are convenient but take time to process. Consequently, you must make them at least three business days prior to the due date to avoid a late payment and a blemish on your credit report.If friends often describe you as “absent minded”, arrange a small automatic payment each month just in case. Do it now though, before you forget.Respect your LimitsSome people treat credit limits the same way they view speed limits: A gentle suggestion that they’re free to ignore.In both cases, you do so at your peril, and the former could really restrict your options when it comes to homes for sale. Lenders take note whenever you exceed your credit limit, as does the credit card company, which will impose a hefty fee in response. Between the damage to your credit score and your bank balance, it’s a lose-lose proposition.High Rates can Bring You Down You may not realize it, but just having certain cards, regardless of your payment history, can be a negative. Credit bureaus frown upon store credit cards and their astronomical interest rates, so no matter how tempting that one-time discount might be, turning it down is a good way to bring up your score.Dealing with a low credit score can seem like a daunting task until you break it down into manageable steps. With a little patience and commitment, you can boost your rating, find your dream home and write that offer. And if you manage to pass the in-law test, you should write a book. It’s bound to be a bestseller.